Soundarya P Manjappa
Chairman's Message
In 1993, the determined journey of writing a brand-new chapter of enlightenment and improvement was launched by one idea, one thought, one insight, and one expression. On the notion that ” Knowledge is Power,” Soundarya Arts and Commerce Evening College was established in 2017. Since then, we have been committed to building a community of lifelong learners who can succeed in their endeavors. I would like to emphasize our purpose of developing young brains and hearts as the pillar of a nation growth and the promise of the future as we welcome you, the future leaders and productive citizens.
It is an important moment for me to share with you all that SACEC has completed 6 years of consistent excellence. In the area of providing good education, we have established a unique position for ourselves, which is certainly satisfying news. Nothing, in my opinion, is more nourishing than the connecting line that ties each SIMS into a single knot.